Deenna Nealon, MS, FNP-BC

Deenna Nealon is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner and has practiced in the State of Connecticut since 1990. After graduating from Boston College with a Master of Science in Community Health, she started her career as a Health Care Consultant to a large bank where she implemented employee wellness programs and strategized to reduce overall healthcare costs resulting from preventable illnesses. Deenna has since provided care in private practice settings specializing in Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Family Medicine. She has developed a deep commitment to helping persons of all ages to achieve their personal health goals. With a holistic, integrative approach to care in mind, Deenna started Fairfield Health and Wellness Solutions where she strives to provide personalized care in a compassionate and nonjudgemental environment. Health promotion and disease prevention are the central mission of this unique approach and Deenna feels extremely privileged to have the opportunity to partner with each individual on their own journey towards becoming the healthiest version of themselves.




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